1/1/2015 21 Comments The giveawayHau kola na mitakuyepi (Hello all my friends and relatives)! WELCOME!! Isn't this new site cool?!! We have been exploring and researching and designing and building for many months behind the scenes, preparing and readying this new, modernized, mobile/laptop/PC responsive website.... all for you! The new day has finally come, and I welcome you all to 2015 and my brand-new website, and my new blog 'Tipi Talks'! We are running a 'Giveaway Drawing' starting today, so I wanted to elaborate a bit on the deeper meaning of the giveaway from a Lakota / Native American perspective.... The Giveaway The custom of the giveaway goes way back in our culture. Many American Indian nations have... ...this tradition in various forms. In the pacific northwest, there is the 'Potlatch', a huge ceremony in which a family literally gives away everything they own to the tribal community. In return, the community gives back to the family, thus ensuring that they have what they need. The lesson being that, when you give, you receive, and the circle of life is as it should be. I have experienced a giveaway ceremony with Anishinabe people in Michigan as well. In that giveaway, a blanket is laid out and people place items on it. Once all the gifts have been placed, there are prayers and words spoken, and then it is time for all to come and take an item from the blanket. In our Lakota way, there were (and are) giveaways as well. In some ways, our old giveaways resembled the Potlatch, in that many times, the person doing the giveaway would give away almost everything, and in turn, the community would give back. I have also seen giveaways done by a Sioux Elder with a blanket, similar to the Anishinabe way.
Regardless of how it's done, there are really two centrally important reasons for doing a giveaway. One, is to give thanks or pay an honor to someone or something. And the other is deeply ingrained in our cultures - possessions are not what life is about, and giving is far more powerful and sacred than receiving. We know this to be true: a society formed around giving will never rape the earth, will never steal from another, will never take more than is needed, and will never choose 'me' over 'we'. Indigenous cultures the world over have known this truth and lived by it. We still live by it, even when the modern capitalistic societies we are surrounded by discourage it. So give! Find ways to implement the heart of the giveaway into your life. Seek those in need, and give. Give a possession, give your time, give your love. Give more than you think you can, and Spirit will open the circle of giving and you will be given to. For such is the way of the sacred hoop, the circle of life. May 2015 be the beginning of a great world-wide giveaway, and may this ancient indigenous wisdom show the way to better, kinder, healthier and more peaceful future....
Ken Noland
1/1/2015 05:15:22 am
Enjoyed was a nice refresher for me , if we get hung in the things going on one can forget what is important
Ken Noland
1/3/2015 05:48:07 am
John look the new web pages and visually one of the best, content is done high quality. The time spent on the website shows.
Shannon Banschbach
1/1/2015 05:17:52 am
Was introduced to your music through my chiropractor's wife. INCREDIBLE. Many blessings and peace in the new year.
Crystal Ursin
1/1/2015 05:31:56 am
John, we love your music and your spirit, thank you for all the wonderful years or music and this great new website!
1/1/2015 05:47:22 am
What an awesome new site! You have been such a blessing to so many and look forward to seeing what 2015 brings. Blessings to you and your wife.
Gale H
1/1/2015 08:36:02 am
I love the music of John's flutes and drums...my special needs students and I really enjoy the rhythm, and the expression.
Randull Chase
1/1/2015 09:18:02 am
Awesome site my friend. I am some what new to the Native American flute community, and came across your instagram. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on your new site. God bless.
Sue Goldberg
1/1/2015 10:51:35 am
new webpage looks great John!!!!
Joe McCabe
1/2/2015 03:38:23 am
I learned this in the form 'you reap what you sow' and have seen this to be true for myself. Thank you for your words I always enjoy what you write as much as I enjoy your music. Take care my friend.
1/2/2015 06:59:18 am
very nice! Thank you JTH and Peggy!
Bill Mettler
1/2/2015 11:36:51 pm
It was truly emotional and amazing to observe and experience the significance and connection of a gift between giver and receipient at giveaways at the conclusion of the mending medicine retreats. Each one was indeed spiritual.
Nayeli Tellez
12/10/2015 09:17:50 am
Are you still giving away flutes??
Ken Noland
12/10/2015 09:54:33 am
John to be able to gift two people that helped me to believe in my talent and myself , to give I find blesses giver and understand we all are connected as well the recipients , wado for being in my circle of life
Swoop Turck
2/7/2020 08:21:42 am
Just saw this blog and enjoyed reading. Miigwetch.
Watauga Mike
2/24/2021 08:14:15 am
Hello John Two-Hawks. Are you still doing this blog? I like your explanation of the giveaway. I am a historian and writer and would love to chat with you about your culture. There is much that we could share. I am involved in a study of our two cultures i.e. the Native American and the euro American settlers. You would be surprised how inspiring your culture is to me. I am learning so much, but would like to learn more. Who are you? What are you presently doing?
Watauga Mike
2/24/2021 08:17:28 am
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CategoryAll Native Life Tipi Talks Wisdom For Life AuthorJohn Two-Hawks - Grammy nominated Native American Flute Music Recording Artist, author, activist and speaker. FULL BIO Archives